Separation Anxiety Dog Training

This program is included in the Separation Anxiety Training Membership.

Dog separation anxiety is a fear of being left alone. It is similar to a panic attack.

Related behaviors may display as:

  • Barking/whining/other vocalizations.

  • Destruction of property (especially doors, windows, or exit points).

  • House-training accidents (urinating or defecating in the home).

  • Injuries (usually due to trying to break out of crates or doors).

  • Or other behaviors when your dog is alone.

Dogs with this condition are suffering from fear/anxiety, making this a severe behavior issue. While it is challenging to deal with, following a proper training program can resolve separation anxiety in dogs. It is a gradual process, and therefore, I work closely with dog owners to create individualized training plans (missions) multiple times per week.

Training to treat separation anxiety works best as a remote training program rather than in-person meetings which can affect the dog’s perspective and training results.

Our program includes innovative training plans specialized just for your unique dog, environment and situation to help your dog become comfortable alone.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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