Reading Dog Body Language 1
Here is an examination of dog behavior and body language. The better we can understand what dogs are communicating, the better we can interact appropriately with them.
The Dog Training Field and Choosing a Dog Trainer
Information about the dog training field and veterinary recommendations for choosing qualified dog trainers to hire.
Myth: A Dog Not Moving Always Equals a Calm Dog
Understanding a common myth about dog behavior.
Benefits of Our Online Dog Training Courses
Here are just some of the benefits of online dog training courses…
Are Dogs Bad or Broken?
Often times in animal training, behaviors are described as problems. The dog or behavior was seen as bad, an issue to fix like a broken car needing a physical repair. But…
Why Dog Training + Is For You
Dog Training Plus is for the best dog and cat guardians, who want to train new behaviors, strengthen your bond, and provide for your pet’s welfare.